zine.mex is the online magazine of mex.
Writers are:
Marcelo Aguirre (Argentina/Germany)
hails from Argentina and has resided in the city of Berlin for the past six years. A self-taught percussionist and vocalist, his playing manifests a spectrum of influences, ranging from spacious, delicate pulsation, to bursts of pure tone color into free music or charged noise, with a focus on continuous sound and changing dynamics. He curated and co-curated events at the Podewil Contemporary Arts Center in Berlin, 2003-2004 (Sculpture Musicale; Violet Music I & II; der negative horizont). He is also active writing about experimental music since ’92 for diverse magazines and creating his small homemade, work-in progress label minúscula. His involvement on various intermedia projects include live improv with Anna Barth’s Butoh dance performances; the cut-up quartet Val Afumo alongside visual/performance artists Peter Morrens, Juha Valkeapää and musician Andreas Fulgosi providing music to avantgarde cinema; and the duo The Inner Metal with Karen Scheper merging sound performance with live drawings/ environments. Actively working with California composer Michael Jon Fink, has toured venues in Berlin, Paris, Lier, Brussels, Berkeley and Los Angeles, while has/keeps working with composers/ improvisers John Duncan, hans w. koch, Bettina Wenzel, Steffen Basho-Junghans, Mark Trayle, Daniel Varela, José Marchi and Ulrich Krieger.
Daniela Cascella (Italy)
(1974) is a music journalist and curator based in Rome. Her research is mainly focused on experimental music and the intersections between sound and the visual arts. She is one of the editors of the Italian monthly magazine Blow Up and Rome editor of Contemporary. She has published articles and reviews in other magazines in Italy and abroad (The Wire, Alias/Il Manifesto, MusicWorks). She has curated a number of exhibitions and site-specific projects, among which VideoVibe. Art, Music and Video in the UK (2000), Perspectives (Ikeda/Nicolai/Vainio, 2001), Stun Shelter (John Duncan/CM von Hausswolff, 2003), Erewhon (2003), Orbita (Grönlund/Nisunen, 2005), Eco e Narciso (2006). She is curator of TRACKS, an ongoing series of sound performances and lectures exploring contemporary sound culture, hosted by the British Academy in Rome, which has featured so far musicians such as Chris Watson, Keith Rowe, Mike Cooper, Current 93, Marina Rosenfeld, Valerio Tricoli, Stefano Pilia, Matt Elliott. She is currently curating, with Alter Ego contemporary music ensemble, INAUDITO, a project that will commission new collaborations between musicians and visual artists to be held at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome in autumn 2007. Her first book, Scultori di Suono („Sculptors of Sound“), was published in 2005.
David Cotner (1970, Los Angeles)
is a journalist and conceptual artist living in Southern California. „Only the Lonely“ by The Motels is the greatest song of the last half-hour.“
Rahma Khazam (GB)
is a British freelance music journalist based in Paris. She has written for the British music magazine The Wire, Leonardo, Sound Arts (Xebec, Japan) and a number of French publications. She is currently the Chief Editor of Earshot, the journal of the UK and Ireland Soundscape Community.
Rui Eduardo Paes (Portugal)
is a Portuguese journalist, critic and writer, with several books published about improvised, experimental and new musics, like «Phonomaton», «Cyber-Parker», «Van Gogh’s Lost Ear» and «Ruins». He’s a co-founder of the Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship, with the support of Experimental Intermedia Foundation, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Luso-American Foundation For The Development, created to promote intermedia artists in Portugal. www.rep.no.sapo.pt
Volker Straebel (Germany)
(1969) lebt als Musikwissenschaftler, -kritiker und Kurator in Berlin. Seit 1994 entstanden Realisationen indeterminierter Cage-Partituren („Fontana Mix“, „Cartridge Music“, „Urban Circus on Berlin Alexanderplatz“ – Ultraschall 2001, SFB) und eigene Stücke. Volker Straebel (1969) is a musicologist, critic and curator in Berlin, Germany. Since 1994 he has written and performed realisations of indeterminated scores by John Cage („Fontana Mix“, „Cartridge Music“, „Urban Circus on Berlin Alexanderplatz“ – Ultraschall, SFB 2001) as well as own pieces. www.straebel.de